The surprising factor behind a spike in C-sections   Cesarean delivery of a baby—or C-section—is the most commonly performed surgery in the world. Rising C-section rates are a problem all over the world—but it’s particularly notable in the United States. C-sections have skyrocketed in the U.S. since the mid-1970s. In just one generation, this country’s C-section rate has increased 500%. One inContinueContinue reading “The surprising factor behind a spike in C-sections”

Your Biggest C-Section Risk May Be Your Hospital Consumer Reports finds that your risk of a cesarean section can be more than nine times higher depending on the hospital you choose. The most common major surgery performed in the U.S isn’t to remove an appendix or replace a knee. It’s to deliver babies by cesarean section, or C-section. Roughly one out ofContinueContinue reading “Your Biggest C-Section Risk May Be Your Hospital”

Giving Birth and the C-Section Stigma (click link above to read the entire post on   Giving birth has nothing to do with pushing. It has nothing to do with contractions. It has nothing to do with pain. Giving birth has everything to do with giving. In this final sacrosanct act of pregnancy, all is set aside as the mother does whateverContinueContinue reading “Giving Birth and the C-Section Stigma”