A Doula’s Call For A ‘Culture Of Consent’ During Childbirth

http://www.wbur.org/commonhealth/2018/05/11/doula-culture-of-consent I gave birth seven years ago in a Boston-area hospital where I generally consider the care to be excellent. I arrived near the end of my labor, my cervix almost fully  dilated. After an hour of moving freely around my hospital room, my midwife and labor nurse said, “It’s time for you to get intoContinueContinue reading “A Doula’s Call For A ‘Culture Of Consent’ During Childbirth”

8 Self-Care Tips for New Parents

http://mommysbliss.com/8-self-care-tips-new-parents/ Imagine sitting up in your bed nursing your babe at 3 am. Quietly looking out the window, while your partner sleeps blissfully next to you.  Your baby coos and finally drifts off to sleep.  You gently place your sweet little baby in the bassinet next to the bed, simultaneously saying a prayer for aContinueContinue reading “8 Self-Care Tips for New Parents”

What High-Risk Pregnant Women Need to Hear

http://www.brandyferner.com/what-high-risk-pregnant-women-need-to-hear/ The transition from being an innocent, hopeful and glowing pregnant woman to one that’s stamped “high-risk” is not an easy one. Sometimes something urgent and scary happens that immediately flips that coin and other times the change is like a slow-moving car driving towards a new state line. Regardless of how quickly the new realityContinueContinue reading “What High-Risk Pregnant Women Need to Hear”