Third Stage of Labor – The Most Taboo Part of Childbirth The third stage of labor is everything that happens after the baby is born, the part of childbirth that doesn’t make it to the movies.  The delivery of the placenta, the most taboo part of childbirth, encompasses the third stage of labor. Compared to the rest of labor, the third stage of labor isContinueContinue reading “Third Stage of Labor – The Most Taboo Part of Childbirth”

Group B Strep and Placenta Encapsulation Safety The CDC released a case study on a newborn who had a recurrent GBS infection after the mother had her placenta encapsulated. It has left a lot of people asking… Can my placenta capsules make my baby sick? The short answer is: probably not. A well-trained placenta arts specialist will make sure that yourContinueContinue reading “Group B Strep and Placenta Encapsulation Safety”