I had a home birth and I’m not stupid. Or brave.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/parenting/wp/2015/04/07/i-had-a-home-birth-and-im-not-stupid-or-brave/   One Friday morning five years ago, I peed on a stick and a pink plus sign appeared. I didn’t know anything about babies, pregnancy or giving birth, but finding a respectable doctor and a good hospital seemed the most appropriate course of action. If someone had ever suggested having a home birth toContinueContinue reading “I had a home birth and I’m not stupid. Or brave.”

A Time To Heal- A Look at Postpartum Recovery

http://theleakyboob.com/2010/12/a-time-to-heal-a-look-at-postpartum-recovery/ I often see or hear of women pushing themselves to return to normal as quickly as possible after birth.  In a hurry to get their life and body back they jump into a myriad of activities at warp speed, often just days after giving birth.  Riding on the birth and baby high, pumped fullContinueContinue reading “A Time To Heal- A Look at Postpartum Recovery”